Tuesday 23 August 2011

Design of cold storage for vegetables

Food storage is both a traditional domestic skill and is important industrially. Food is stored by almost every human society and by many animals.This project is for biology students.There are many storage systems exist already in the market but it would be great if you can build solar powered vegetable storage system with the help of Solar powered air conditioner.

Concept : Basic concept of food storage is similar to refrigeration system we use in Air conditioners or Refrigerator.  We use coolant which condense from vapor to liquid to get cool and evaporates from liquid to gas to provide cool air to the system.
Related PDF :

Food and Vegetable Storage
Cold Storage for Specially cut flower and plant material
Vegetable Storage for the home owner
Storage guideline for foods and vegetable

Related Presentations :

Freezing fruits and Vegetable at Home

Video : Food storage build part 1

Related Posts :

Biology Projects

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